And one more to go!
While I'll be very VERY happy when exams are done, I've actually enjoyed being a student again this week. I know working towards getting my degree was far more stressful than being a student is currently for me, so it's not like I'm looking at it through (completely) rose tinted glasses, but my life was much simpler as a student.
I'll take that back a step further, I miss being a kid.
I think hitting that point is part of growing up though. When you're younger, you can't wait to be older. When you're older, you longingly look back at being younger. That right there is the reason why I've been spending more time appreciating what I have right now. For the time being I'll accept having pimples over wrinkles, and while I have debt I'm happy I smartened up at a young enough age to turn it around and fix it. I've learned things over the years, and I have many more ahead of me where I look forward to doing the same.
I never went to the university President's "town hall meeting" while I was in University full time, but I'm going to head down there today with a friend of mine.
Actually, that friend deserves a shout out. Congratulations Randy Reichardt on being unanimously nominated the Special Library Association's (SLA) Engineering Libriarian of the Year (That's internationally).
You deserve it Randy. 100%
Good luck on your last exam! :)
I completely agree with you that when we're young, we look forward to growing up. But now that I'm grown up, I look at those "carefree" days, longingly, at times.
With that said, I'll look at my zits a little differently tonight, cuz they may be wrinkles soon...
Good luck with your last exam! I gotta say, I wish I could be ten again. Ten was a good age - carefree and my biggest concern was what I was getting for a snack.
Wait, that's still my biggest concern. Hm.
Thank you ladies :)
@fabulouslyfrugirl, I'm sure you're still lovely even with the occasional pimple.
@centsofacountrygirl, I'm still snickering at the snack comment ;)
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