Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekend Update

Sometimes I just feel like appreciating the little things going on in my life. This a quick blurb about some of the things that made me happy this weekend:

  • I went on a first date. It went well. We'll be going on another this week :)
  • I hung out with one girls from work. We've been trying to do something since September, but the timing has never worked out! We finally got a chance to hang out :)
  • My credit card minimum payment is down below $100 for the first time in months.
  • While I'm still a tad under the weather (turns out the cold/flu was actually a sinus infection. Boo that), I can actually breathe through my nose again :)
  • We've had gorgeous weather! It's been +3 degrees here for the last couple days :)
  • Breakfast cinnamon bun. Om nom nom :)
  • I spent over an hour talking to my grandfather on Skype, and gave him a virtual house tour with my laptop. I love how he stays reasonably up to date with technology :)
You'll notice I'm quite enjoying using my smily face for punctuation :)

Anyway, I hope you all had great weekends as well. See you all in the blogosphere early Monday morning!

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